What is Captcha and why it sucks
Captcha is a technology developed to ensure that a submitted information is genuine (like the image above). ReCaptcha is the very first Captcha system which was developed by Luis Von Ahn.
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) are bills in the U.S senate and house respectfully, which would allow censorship of the internet. Millions of users including companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and more oppose both SOPA and PIPA. These bills potentially seek to prevent piracy on the internet by shutting down ‘rogue’ websites that allow for the distribution or provide information on or about copyrighted material.
Sounds semi-harmless right? Well it’s not as it opens doors for the censorship of anyone on the net and much more (view below).
In order for Google’s web applications to move forward with new features such as desktop notifications for Gmail and drag-and-drop file uploading in Google Docs, HTML5 is needed. Older browsers don’t support HTML5 so modern browsers will be integral for a “high-quality experience”.