
Tag : augmented reality

Kinect Augmented Reality 3D Closet

Arbuzz is in the process of created a Virtual Dressing Room and they’ve presented a tech-demo of their work in progress. It’s quite a great experiment if I do say so myself; by using 3D imaging they are able to map clothes in real time to a section of the body. Have a look.


Source: Airbuzz Blog

Categories: Funny, Random, Video Games

Sony’s SmartAR Awesomeness



AR = Augmented Reality “is a term for a live direct or an indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input, such as sound or graphics” via (5/22/2011)

This is by far the most advanced form of AR seen today and it can only progress.

Categories: The Internet, WIN